
This is an .md file to test how .md files function.

Original file

This is heading level 1.

This is heading level 2.

This is heading level 3.

This is heading level 4.

This is heading level 5.
This is heading level 6.

Also heading level 1, but using equal signs.

Also heading level 2, but using dash signs.

These lines are used to test line breaks with spaces.
Did it work?

These lines are used to test line breaks with an HTML line break.
Did it work?

These lines are used to test paragraphs.

And of course, it works.

This is an ordered list:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  4. Item 4
  5. Item 4.1
  6. Item 4.2

This line is used to test normal, italic, bold and bold italic text styles.

This is used to test blockquotes.

And this line is used to test normal, italic, bold and bold italic text styles in blockquotes.

And here’s a paragraph in a blockquote.
And a newline in a blockquote.

And a blockquote in a blockquote.

  • And an unordered list in a blockquote!
    And an ordered list in a blockquote!
    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3
    4. Item 4
    1. Item 4.1
    2. Item 4.2

Okay, that’s enough. Back to normal text.

Here’s a picture. Oh look, it’s my avatar!

GWE logo

Finally, here’s a link to my Discord server! Please join!